bees follow me

My Secret Super Power

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Apparently, I have a new super power. I can talk to bees. Or at least, they seem to ADORE me.

Just call me The Bee Whisperer.

Lately, we’ve enjoyed warmer weather and the desert has started blooming thanks to all the rain we’ve been getting. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and all the bees are apparently my new besties.


Don’t get me wrong. I actually LOVE bees. They are such cool little creatures. But seeing a few bees mildly bumbling around on occasion and having a bee escort are two very different stories.

Here’s the deal. Everywhere I go lately, I seem to be sending out homing signals to the local honey makers because





It’s been happening for weeks now and I’m finally getting over the urge to drop everything and run away screaming, “Every woman to herself!!!!!!” to my kids.

Probably a good thing since I imagine most people would frown at my leaving my kids to fend for themselves against the advances of bumblebees. Or the killer African bees. Whatever.

And I’ve learned a few things about them.

Bees like to shop

When we arrived at a thrift store to buy some cool treasures, I got out of the car only to be surrounded by several bees. I quickly herded my kids inside and asked the shop owners if they’d had any problem with bees in the parking lot. They looked at me in surprise and said, “No.”  But when I returned to the car, after nearly an hour inside, the bees were waiting for me! I stopped at several places that day and they were with us the whole day. Maybe they were the same bees???

Bees enjoy local coffee 
I met a friend for coffee INSIDE a local coffee shop that keeps the door open all day. As we sat there, a few bees flew in the door and passed several people to head straight for me. By this point, I was getting used to this and managed to stay calm. They buzzed around for a while and left me alone.

Bees want to live (and die) in my house 

A few days ago, Rob was home with me after listening to me going on about how bees seem to be following me. I’m sure he was supportive but I don’t think he realized how much they like me. We didn’t have the AC on yet so we left the door open to enjoy the great weather. Within an hour, we discovered that 8-10 bees had come in the house through the open spots above the screen and were warming themselves in our front window. NOW he believes me.

I did a little research and found that bees do have strong olfactory senses and don’t necessarily follow bright colors. In my case, I’ve worn anything from bright colors to gray and black and they still buzz along after me.

My local beekeeping friends concur with my research. Maybe I really am sending out “bee vibes” or some kind of pheromone that attracts them. Rob loves this because he’s told me for years that it’s all the “natural” stuff I wear. Coconut oil, herbs etc. Ha!

It seems a little crazy to say bees are following me but it’s true.

While I was  writing this, a bee flew into the light next to me and died.

Seriously. Kah-razy.

And – here he is.

How sad.

You know, I feel like I should be getting something out of my new relationship with the bees besides a start when they surround me and try to caress me with their buzzy little wings. Like some free honey or something.

Since I’m apparently the Bee Whisperer.

If only they were actually listening to me.

Coming soon – What I’ve been up to and why I’ve been soooo quiet!!!