Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Secret Super Power

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Apparently, I have a new super power. I can talk to bees. Or at least, they seem to ADORE me.

Just call me The Bee Whisperer.

Lately, we’ve enjoyed warmer weather and the desert has started blooming thanks to all the rain we’ve been getting. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and all the bees are apparently my new besties.


Don’t get me wrong. I actually LOVE bees. They are such cool little creatures. But seeing a few bees mildly bumbling around on occasion and having a bee escort are two very different stories.

Here’s the deal. Everywhere I go lately, I seem to be sending out homing signals to the local honey makers because





It’s been happening for weeks now and I’m finally getting over the urge to drop everything and run away screaming, “Every woman to herself!!!!!!” to my kids.

Probably a good thing since I imagine most people would frown at my leaving my kids to fend for themselves against the advances of bumblebees. Or the killer African bees. Whatever.

And I’ve learned a few things about them.

Bees like to shop

When we arrived at a thrift store to buy some cool treasures, I got out of the car only to be surrounded by several bees. I quickly herded my kids inside and asked the shop owners if they’d had any problem with bees in the parking lot. They looked at me in surprise and said, “No.”  But when I returned to the car, after nearly an hour inside, the bees were waiting for me! I stopped at several places that day and they were with us the whole day. Maybe they were the same bees???

Bees enjoy local coffee 
I met a friend for coffee INSIDE a local coffee shop that keeps the door open all day. As we sat there, a few bees flew in the door and passed several people to head straight for me. By this point, I was getting used to this and managed to stay calm. They buzzed around for a while and left me alone.

Bees want to live (and die) in my house 

A few days ago, Rob was home with me after listening to me going on about how bees seem to be following me. I’m sure he was supportive but I don’t think he realized how much they like me. We didn’t have the AC on yet so we left the door open to enjoy the great weather. Within an hour, we discovered that 8-10 bees had come in the house through the open spots above the screen and were warming themselves in our front window. NOW he believes me.

I did a little research and found that bees do have strong olfactory senses and don’t necessarily follow bright colors. In my case, I’ve worn anything from bright colors to gray and black and they still buzz along after me.

My local beekeeping friends concur with my research. Maybe I really am sending out “bee vibes” or some kind of pheromone that attracts them. Rob loves this because he’s told me for years that it’s all the “natural” stuff I wear. Coconut oil, herbs etc. Ha!

It seems a little crazy to say bees are following me but it’s true.

While I was  writing this, a bee flew into the light next to me and died.

Seriously. Kah-razy.

And – here he is.

How sad.

You know, I feel like I should be getting something out of my new relationship with the bees besides a start when they surround me and try to caress me with their buzzy little wings. Like some free honey or something.

Since I’m apparently the Bee Whisperer.

If only they were actually listening to me.

Coming soon – What I’ve been up to and why I’ve been soooo quiet!!!


a day just like this

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it was a day just like this
twelve plus years ago
that I said yes 
to the best 
and hardest commitment 
i’ve ever made
but yet
the tears
the losses
the daily struggles 
that make us wonder 
if we’re on the right path
that decision 
to be together
is not one
i’ve ever questioned
and days like this
brilliant blue
shaded with smoky grays
cluttered with billowing whites
the open sky
embuing in us 
a sense of cleansing
new life
the conviction
that anything 
is possible
i remember
a day just like this
twelve plus years ago
i said yes
to the best person i know
the one i have since loved 
with passion
with complete trust
without reservation
without regret for what we have been 
content with who we are
and hope in what we will become
it was a day just like this
when what i thought
would always be just a dream
my past
my present
my future
it was a day just like this
brilliant blues
shaded by smoky grays
and cluttered with billowy whites
when you 
moved from my dreams
to my reality
 More posts about love and marriage here. 

Forget Valentine’s Day? Never Fear. I’m Here to Save Your Day.

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Oops! Did you forget today is Valentine’s Day? It happens to the best of us. Don’t worry. I’ve got the hookup for you. Don’t stop on the side of the road and spend a fortune on a big cheap red teddy bear and nasty wax filled candy. Instead, visit a fabulous local pâtisserie. They’ll save your day.

To make you feel better about being late, I’ll admit, I am too! On my post, that is. I genuinely intended to put this up early in the week but life sort of obliterated my plans. Is it good that I’m getting used to being thwarted?

Instead of getting stressed about my plans, I spent the afternoon with my little reader, making Valentine bookmarks. Usually I lack talent in the crafting department but thankfully cut paper and ribbon tying is within my skill set.

So, on to the saving of Valentine’s day!

If you need chocolates or pastries, a local family business has both offerings all tied up in a bow. Literally. Karl’s Bakery and The Baker’s Daughter, located on 7th Avenue and Dunlap are two deliciousness-filled destinations.

Whether your darling loves cream filled goodness…

Like Creampuffs,

OR one of my favorites, Lintzer cookies.

Or they’re all about the chocolate (like we are at our house!).

Start with a box made of chocolate, like this one.

Or this one! (Excuse my “eh” photo. It’s beautiful and shimmery in person!)

Now, you get to fill it with some of The Baker’s Daughter’s incredible chocolates. They’re made with REAL ingredients – like honey, raspberry, amaretto etc. – not “flavorings”. I LOVE these chocolates!

Here are some more options.

Are you hungry yet? There is a plethora of choices.

I love the word Plethora. People don’t use it nearly enough.

Maybe they just need to feel like they have more choices.

Ok, there it is. If you’re looking for a last minute but incredible gift for Valentine’s Day, you’ve got it.

Karl’s Bakery and The Baker’s Daughter are located on the Southeast corner of 7th Avenue and Dunlap.

Gotta run. I think I’m going to make a quick stop for chocolate on the way to The Reader’s Valentine’s Day party.

Chocolate is a food group, right?

Want to support local businesses like this one? Share this post using the buttons below.

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*In the spirit of full disclosure, I should reveal that I’m NOT getting paid for this post. I just genuinely love Karl’s Bakery and The Baker’s Daughter, as well as their owners.








Pastry and a Pact

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Today, I visited a coffee shop to eat this delicious brioche – and ended up with a lot more.

Being a stay at home mom is a financial sacrifice for many of us and it can even be a little scary sometimes, especially when unexpected bills pop up. Last year was like that for us. Rob was bitten by a brown recluse and required a few doctor visits. DGirl put a shell in her ear (why? WHY?) and required urgent care to extract it. Then I slammed my finger in our RV gate and nearly cut it off. So I have ER and surgeon’s bills now.

When stress is high and financial uncertainty looms, how does a girl with kids keep from freaking out besides deep breathing and a lot of prayer?

I’ll tell you how. She makes a pact with a near stranger to be back up in case of financial disaster. As in, if financial collapse strikes – I’ll take my family to live at her house and vice versa.


I’m not kidding.

And, I’m not crazy.

Well, maybe a little but it’s mostly the sleep deprivation. 😉

Here’s how it happened.

This morning as I grabbed a coffee at my local coffee shop before sitting down to write, I ran into a woman I met at the coffee shop a few years back and with whom I felt an instant connection. She’s brilliant, an engineer and a mother. We connect over coffee from time to time and she’s always a breath of fresh air but we’ve never tried to move our friendship past friendly and sometimes passionate coffee shop convos. She’s my “coffee shop friend”.

Today we caught up on our kids and talked about everything from fertility to Arizona’s foster care system. Then our conversation moved to education and then into something very different.

Some of the schools in our area are moving to a rigid, recess-free type of education. While many of the educators I know are horrified by this move, some parents (not all) applaud it. The thinking is that packing more “knowledge” into our children’s days will make them smarter and more likely to attend an Ivy League university and somehow secure their futures. (Oy. Another topic for another time.)

But the economy and job market have changed a lot in the past ten years. Financial security is a lie. Markets crash, jobs dissolve and the unexpected happens. What do you have left if your life doesn’t go as planned?

My coffee shop friend shared that there’s been a shift her own family’s life with regard to careers and income. Her husband’s income has gone down and hers has gone up. It wasn’t the career path either had expected.

Then she said something that struck a chord.

She said, “I don’t know what the future holds. A year from now, we might be in a one bedroom apartment or we might be in a mansion. Both seem equally possible. But what I do know is, my husband and I will love each other and be married. I do know our kids will be with us. I know I’ll come here and get my coffee and be part of this community.”

Her words resonated with me because they express my own heart. Ok, maybe not the part about having a mansion – but everything else.

I value above all else – my lover, our children and our connection to a larger community of both our family, friends and Phoenix. They are the people with whom we’ve chosen to share life.

I said as much to her. And I added,

“Rob and I joke that even if we had to live in a cardboard box, it would be ok because we’d be together.”

I don’t believe that would ever happen. We have friends and family here.

But her response took me by surprise.

She looked at me intently and said –

“You’ll never live in a box. If anything happens to you, you and your family have a home with me and mine.”

It wasn’t just an impulsive slip of the tongue. In a gesture of seriousness, she said, “Let’s make a pact right now. If anything ever happens to you, you have a home with me – and I will do the same for you. I’ll give you my number and you give me yours.”

And right then, we made a promise to each other that we meant. If she and her family are ever in need, I will be there for her. We moved our friendship past coffee shop friends to – something far more profound.

Think about it for a moment.

A near stranger at a coffee shop – genuinely offered me shelter and, in essence, hope should my family fall on hard times. Does that boggle your mind? Seem unreal?

There are so many times in the past that I’ve thought the problems in our world – violence, abuse, orphaned children, poverty – seem so overwhelming I haven’t believed that my actions can really change anything. But what would the world look like if each of us as individuals willing to put our resources at the disposal of one family in need?

I’ve come to believe this is the way we can really change the world. I may not be able to save everyone, everywhere. But I can make a difference within my small sphere of influence.

Not by the power of political policy or institutions, though they have their place, but by my determination to live a life of compassion, grace and generosity.

One person, one family, one coffee-shop-friend pact-making-relationship at a time.

To me, this is the meaning of community. That’s why I’m always encouraging the support of local businesses. People tend to create habits that result in meetings with strangers that lead to friendship and a sense of connection that doesn’t allow people to fall through the cracks.

Today, one less family has the chance to fall through the cracks if something goes wrong for them.

My coffee shop friend and I have finally moved our relationship to the next level.

What do you think? Do you have friends who have your back? How do you build those relationships?

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