Recovering Physically from Miscarriage & Hemorrhage

By March 17, 2011 Miscarriage 6 Comments

This list is for those women who are recovering from miscarriage (or serious hemorrhage as a result) – and possibly more importantly, it’s for their partners and loved ones.

This month has felt like a roller coaster in some ways and I can honestly say that I would not have emerged as healthily as I have without the encouragement of my friends and family.

My story, Miscarriage and an Unexpected Turn of Events.

I have simply listed what I felt – and I have decided to categorize it all as normal. I do want to say regarding the “Guilt – was it my fault?” entry, don’t worry about reassuring me. Technically, I know it probably wasn’t my fault but those feelings are a natural and probably necessary part of the grieving process.

These are just some of the things I’m moving through or have already passed.

Recovering from Miscarriage, One Month Later. 

I hope this is a help for those of you who are going through this. I will not minimize your pain by trying to make it ok. It isn’t ok. But, know you are not alone and even if I don’t know your name, I am saying a prayer for your healing even as I write these words.



Really weak at first but vitamins, chinese herbs and good nutrition, including lots of veggies and some red meat seemed to help me recover quickly

Mild headache from the anesthesia for about 3 days

Feeling like my head was going to fall off my body if I got up too fast in the first few days. I learned to sit up slowly and stand even more slowly. The sensation went away after 4 or 5 days. I think this is a normal result of severe blood loss. As my strength returned, my blood pressure normalized.

I had no cramping despite the major doses of pitocin they gave me to fully contract my uterus and stop the hemorrhaging. This surprised me because I remember pitocin contractions being unbearable with my first delivery but of course, my uterus was a lot smaller for this miscarriage since I was only finishing the first trimester.

Swollen, full breasts. In a crazy twist of fate, my breasts swelled up just after I returned home from the hospital and started aching like they would in pregnancy. My hormones weren’t back to normal yet, I suppose.

Brief bleeding. Differently from a natural miscarriage, because I had a D&C, I only bled for about a week. I didn’t see anything for another few days, then I had mild spotting. I freaked out (still a little nervous about bleeding, understandably) so I called a friend and she said she had the same experience. It went away after 2 days. I understand that bleeding in a natural miscarriage takes significantly longer.

Other physical symptoms of pregnancy – like still having some odd taste aversions that went away as the hormones faded.

Desire for comfort food like chocolate and ice cream. This is only physical because I definitely ate the chocolate and ice cream. I do realize the desire was emotional. A friend suggested writing a future post about chocolate therapy. It might just happen. Heehee. I refuse to judge myself. It’s been a pretty successful therapy so far.

Exhaustion. Yeah. Still feeling this way a lot of the time. I don’t have my normal stamina yet. Guess recovery from losing a lot of blood can take a while. I’m heading in the right direction.

First period after miscarriage – I had my first mooncycle (menstruation) about 35 days after my miscarriage. It was a little heavy and a normal length – about 6 days counting heavy and light days. Then, I stopped. But two days later I had a little spotting for a few hours, bright red but not heavy. I talked to several friends who said they had similar strange spotting between periods as hormone levels returned to normal.

Recovering Emotionally from Miscarriage & Hemorrhage

Recovering Spiritually from Miscarriage & Hemorrhage

The loss of a child is so painful and often isolating. I share my story in the hope that it will make you feel less alone. Please pass it on if you know of someone who it might encourage.

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  • latisha says:

    oh mama. i just finished reading all of these. i am such lazy bloggee. hardly ever take time to read others anymore. you are so beautiful and strong. amazing and brave for sharing your story. *besos upon besos.

  • Michelle says:

    This really caught my eye. After going through my own miscarriage I was shocked how little information was out there – like, real honest information. I think you're doing a great thing talking about the reality of miscarriage. I have a book in the works, allowing women to tell their stories and share knowledge about what it is like to go through miscarriage. If you would be interested in contributing, this project is in very early stages but please email

  • A Shadow of My Former Self says:

    This post was done the day after my D&E. I too am shocked how little information (and support) is out there. It's been an awful experience, one that has changed me forever. I am so glad to have sound such honest information on the web, in places like your blog. Thank you for the post, especially the section on healing afterwards.

  • Marcela says:

    Thank you so much for writing this!!

  • adam says:

    Thank you for writing this. I haven't read your story yet because I just had miscarriage that led to me hemmoraging and er let me bleed out till lost half my blood then was rushed OR and emergency d&c and I stopped breathing during surgery n after. It happened few days ago I'm still trying piece together what happened. Icu was scary especially whn realized had catheter in and it hurt bad to move my leg. I was petrified to see blood. I'm so scares have little bleeding now and it's reddish so I'm freaked. But knw not bright red and Drs assured me it's normal. I'm starting get comfortable being unassisted to restroom. It's scary process. And still in shock phase. Praying tht the woozy feeling whn get up goes away soon. Lack sleep today n frequent urination making hard sleep. Sorry for rambling post. But thank you so much for writing this. First useful page I've come across.

  • OrganicMama says:

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Having a life threatening miscarriage certainly adds a different dimension to an already traumatic experience. The woozy feeling took about a week to go away for me but I've heard it taking a little longer. Take it easy for a while and be sure to eat iron rich foods, along with those containing vit c to assist absorption and drink water! If you're taking care of yourself, recovery is faster. Blessings. OM

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