Wake Up! It’s Monday Already…

By April 25, 2011 Parenting No Comments

Good morning! I don’t know about you but I’m a little groggy from all the feasting yesterday. I definitely needed help waking up this morning. Here’s what I found…

On the way home from Grandma’s house last night, even my four year old said she was done with all the sugar of yesterday. Haha! So, we agreed to start out today with some strong stuff to counteract the weekend’s craziness.We decided a green smoothie and some Ezekiel sprouted toast would be just the thing And it hit the spot. If you haven’t tried green smoothies yet – this blogger offers 12 different recipes to tempt your taste buds! Green Diva Mom

If you’re already planning lunch, here’s a delicious, green and quick option!  101 Cookbooks

Interesting possibility for the empty lots littering the city of Phoenix. “Pop-up Hood”

If you like creating – these kits are for you! Created by the fabulously artsy women of  Gauche Alchemy

And finally…

When I was in my early twenties, I had a chance to win a car at a rock concert through a local radio station contest. I didn’t win the car but I did get to go to my very first (seriously, my first!) rock concert. The Beastie Boys and show openers, Rancid. Hahaha!!!

If you haven’t already figured out how sheltered my childhood was… The concert was a wild first experience – as the rockers didn’t sing so much as scream their songs. The stadium was filled with thousands of the kind of people my parents had sheltered me from – pierced, tatooed, mohawked and stoned. Near the stage, people were slam dancing and crowd surfing and for some inexplicable reason, concert goers kept lighting toilet paper and fiery little puffs were floating all over the room.

Then, I noticed that everyone around us was smoking and the giant cloud that formed above us had a weird smell to it. I turned to my friend, Torry, who’d come to the concert with me and said, “Wow! Those are some really stinky cigarettes!” He looked at me in disbelief and started laughing. Hey, what can I say? I was an innocent. It was my first and only taste of cannabis – by diffusion.

So, today’s “music” is a little tribute to those wild boys who made my first show a memorable one.

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