Fritter Frenzy!

By July 20, 2011 Recipes One Comment

Despite the squash bug invasion I’ve been fighting in my garden this summer, my plants are still producing a lot of squash. We put it in squash gratin, we’ve grilled it, we’ve baked it and we’ve added it to soup. Aaaannnnddd, there’s still more squash. (Yay?) Thankfully, my friend Danielle came to our rescue and shared a great Mario Batali recipe for squash fritters with me.

They were AWESOME.

I didn’t actually know what a fritter was before making this but I would compare it to potato latkes. Basically, shredded veggies with cheese, eggs and a little flour.

Since according to my sister Laura, I am unable to follow a recipe without adding my own twist, I changed Mr. Batali’s recipe as well. This is mainly because I didn’t have all the ingredients in the original recipe. I actually think that fits his style of cooking. After all, “necessity is the mother of invention” right? I have squash. Lots of squash. I needed a new recipe, even if I didn’t have all the ingredients. So there.

I started with 3 shredded squash – crookneck and zucchini. (More than the recipe called for ’cause I have a lot of squash!)

I added lemon zest till I thought I had enough – about half a small lemon.

Then, I added 2 eggs, garlic and about 1/2 c. sheep feta since I didn’t have ricotta. No biggie!

I added sea salt and pepper to taste and squished it together! If you usually don’t touch your food, you should. It makes it taste better. Really!

In went 1 cup or so of flour, which I gently stirred into the mix. A little fresh chive would have been a delicious addition.

I only used tablespoon of olive oil to cook the entire batch of fritters in my wok. In 2 T amounts, I dropped each one into the pan, spread them out a little and cooked them on medium low (remember I used a wok) till they were golden brown on each side. There were A LOT!

My husband loved them. He ate them with hot sauce.

I loved them too but the jury is still out on my kids.

That’s ok.

More for me!

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