Destructo Girl’s Narrow Escape (or why NOT to put a nightlight in your 2 year old’s room)

By August 30, 2011 Honest Mothering 2 Comments

More than once, I’ve been told Destructo Girl (2 years old) has a very active guardian angel and last night, she proved it once again. We had a long day running errands and being out in the heat, so after dinner everyone was pretty worn out. By the time the kids were down for bed, Rob and I were ready to relax – alone.

But a few minutes after we put the kids in bed, Rob went upstairs to investigate a noise. As he headed up the stairs, I heard a breaker pop in the kitchen and the lights went out (in our old house, the kitchen electricity and upstairs bedroom are on the same breaker). I heard Rob exclaim loudly and call for me so I ran upstairs.

He said that he’d found Destructo Girl sitting in front of the nightlight, looking stunned. She said, “My arm hurts, Daddy.” He checked her over and found a nickel in her hand. When he questioned her, she showed him that she’d been sliding the nickel behind the nightlight between the plug and the outlet. She interrupted the current enough to give herself a good charge. Thankfully, the breaker worked and the power shut off before she could do any real damage. The outlet was black from the charge.

The infamous coin. It's going in her scrapbook!

After I stopped hyperventilating (usually I’m so good in a crisis!!), I gave my little DG a very STERN talking to about not touching outlets and promised dire consequences if she does so again. I reminded her again when she woke this morning. (I found myself waking every few hours last night to check her).

Lessons learned…We decided the girls will now sleep without a nightlight and we won’t be keeping their piggy banks in the room where they sleep. AND the plastic outlet covers are going back over all outlets.

I’m so glad my little Destructo Girl is ok but I’m hoping she’ll refrain from any more crazy shenanigans today so my blood pressure can go back to normal!


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