Organic Mama’s Top Ten Tips for Managing Pregnancy Nausea part two

Yesterday, we explored remedies for pregnancy nausea (AKA morning sickness). Today, we’ll look at a few more.

Feeling sick twenty four hours a day is disheartening when you’d rather be happily anticipating a new baby. Discouragement is not my normal approach to life. But there have been more than a few days this time that I’ve succumbed to tears of exhaustion and hopelessness from feeling nauseous non-stop.

These tips have not erased the feeling of nausea but at least their keeping the lunch losses to a minimum!

5. Try a more alkaline diet. My friend Busca over at writes that alkalinizing the body may help with “morning sickness“. While it’s advisable to do this prior to pregnancy, I’ve still been boosting my intake of veggies vs. greasy or starchy foods. The latter might seem comforting at the time but they often pack a wallop after dinner, if ya’ know what I mean.

6. Mingle with friends. Schedule visits with understanding and compassionate friends to enjoy the benefit of encouragement and having a little different energy in the house. It will lift your spirits.

7. Keep the toilet clean. You may not have the energy to clean much around the house right now but clean this. There’s nothing more gross that having to lose your breakfast in a dirty bowl.

8. Laugh as much as possible. Watch a funny movie, listen to a great comedian and laugh. You’ll be surprised how nice your lips feel when they’re curved into a smile!

9. Distract yourself with something you love. Notice the great antics of your kids, play the piano, read a book, watch a great movie, take a bath, enjoy a maternity massage. I’ve noticed that being stressed about anything can make nausea seem so much worse. So RELAX.

10. Drink small sips of water (or herbal tea) all day long but avoid it at mealtimes. Drinking just a little at a time will keep you from experiencing that sloshy feeling you get when you discover your stomach has been pushed up between your breasts by an enlarged uterus. For me, not drinking during meals helps with indigestion and nausea.

In my  first pregnancy, I was so overwhelmed by the unexpected feeling of constant nausea, I complained to my OB, “It feels like there’s some kind of alien sucking the life force out of me!” She was not amused and chastised me with, “That’s a sweet life sharing your body.” Me: “HUMPH!”

Now, when I feel like an alien is sucking out my life force, I remind myself  strong nausea is usually a sign of raging hormones, a good thing in pregnancy!

Treat yourself well in these early days of pregnancy. You’re growing a little person. Enjoy a rare excuse to pamper you! Remember that you’re not alone. Lots of women have felt this way.

As my mom used to say…

“Hang in there. This too shall pass.”

If you have any other great anti-nausea pregnancy tips, share them below and let fellow sufferers enjoy the benefit of your wisdom!

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