Birth Week at Organic Mama Cafe!!

By February 22, 2012 Birth Choices One Comment

Since I’m in the whole “pregnant” girl phase, it’s not surprising I have only one thing on my mind right now – birth, birth, birth! Oh, it’s not that I don’t care about world news and other interesting topics. But, as in my other two full term pregnancies, I notice that the closer I get to the end, the more focused I am on what I’m doing – getting ready to bring new life into the world – and all that goes with that. This is a super-natural  process and I believe that focus makes birth something we as woman can accomplish!

At first, I resisted spending too much time writing about birth since I have friends who write excellent blogs on the subject, like Lani over at Birth Faith blog. If you haven’t been over there, she does a great job researching her topics and providing thought provoking conversation about birth in a non-judgmental environment.

But it’s clear that birth is going to be on my mind for a while so I figured I might spend a week talking about the birth topics that have been rolling around in my mind when I’m not chasing Destructo Girl or calling the paramedics because she’s decided to do a swan dive off the couch, headfirst onto the tile. (Yes, that really happened recently. And, YES. She is ok. Thanks. 🙂

So, next week, I’ll be hosting Birth Week right here at Organic Mama Cafe!

I am so blessed to know some very incredible women who have not only given birth but continue to support other women who are getting ready to join the circle called motherhood. These women will be sharing their stories and their expertise as well!

Birth week will begin next Monday, February 27th!

Help spread the fun by sharing the links to information and stories that inform, encourage or inspire you!!


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