Watermelon Slushies!

By June 28, 2012 Recipes 2 Comments

Today has been a hot day.

Too hot to think and too hot to write.

Apparently, not too hot for giant baby to talk though. He’s found his voice and he’s been giving me his opinion all day. Thankfully, he’s happy!

So, we need something cool. This is easy, delicious, cold, sweet and healthy! Also a great remedy for kids who tend toward constipation but don’t like to eat fruit. I know, you didn’t see that one coming, right? I guess I have to add something thoughtful. Ha!

Watermelon = fiber + water.

So much tastier than metamucil, right?

Watermelon Slushies

1. Cut fresh watermelon into smallish chunks – about 2″ pieces.

2. Place in freezer till frozen (you can use a bag or a cookie sheet).

3. Take watermelon chunks  out of freezer and place in a blender jar. How much you need depends on how many people you are serving or how thirsty you are!

4. Let the watermelon sit in the blender jar until you have enough watermelon juice to make the blades move. I nearly filled my blender jar with melon and about 6-8 ounces of juice got things moving.

5. Blend till melon is slushy.

6. Pour into glasses and serve.

Ours is garnished with basil since that’s Destructo Girl’s favorite flavor. I would have put a few leaves in the blender but I forgot.

See? Too hot to think!

If you’re serving adults, I bet you could just use a little “spirit” to get that blender moving too.

What is your favorite healthy hot weather treat?

Shared at Frugally Sustainable.



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