Natural Sore Throat Remedies

By September 6, 2012 Natural Health No Comments

When you’re wakened in the night by the cries of a small child with a sore throat, a simple, fast-acting, natural remedy is just what you need. Last night was such a night for us. Around midnight, we were wakened by one of our little ones complaining her throat hurt. As usual, we turned to our natural medicine cabinet.

We are not “anti-allopathic medicine” in our family but when sickness strikes, we tend to reach for what is in our cupboards first. I would not hesitate to see a good DO or MD if necessary but most of the time,  a little common sense (rest and fluids) and herbs from our cabinets – cures what ails us without a doctor visit.

Here is what we used last night.

1. Echinacea Angustifolia tincture 

When our kids show any signs of illness, I offer echinacea tincture in water to  stimulate their immune system. Usually this either allows them to avoid being sick at all or significantly shortens the length and severity of their illness. While Echinacea has been known to boost the body’s ability to fight infections that have survived a few rounds of antibiotics, it really shines at the beginning of an illness when it can stimulate the body to address the onset of an infection.

2. Usnea lichen tincture 

Usnea has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years. It has a long use as an expectorant and is used today to treat inflammatory illness of the mouth and throat.  According to Mountain Rose Herbs, Usnea is “antibiotic, antifungal, antispasmodic, antipyretic, and analgesic”. We first used it, at the advice of an herbalist, to treat strep throat in my husband. He took it for two days and in conjunction with the next remedy, recovered without antibiotics.

3. Red Hot Honey 

This last remedy is a combo of Honey, Garlic and Cayenne pepper. Think of it as kind of a garlicky hot tamale. While I’ve no problem getting Rob to take this remedy, getting kids to take it takes a bit of doing. But, as soon as my little one took a spoon last night (after resisting for a few hours), she fell fast asleep and only woke after 7 hours.

The dark honey we use works to ease sore throats & to stop coughs too.

My kiddo is feeling a lot better today but we’ll keep an eye on her and continue to give her Echinacea and Usnea till it’s clear she’s completely well. Also, we’ll avoid dairy, orange juice and sugar. Dairy and OJ cause the body to create more phlegm. NOT what she needs when she’s already feeling congested.

Isn’t it great to know that good health can be just as close as your kitchen?

What natural remedies do you use when your family is feeling under the weather?

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*As always, I’ll remind you that I am not a doctor.  These are common sense choices I have made for myself. I have taken the time to research any health decisions I make and have consulted with my local herbalist. I encourage you to always do the same before choosing to take or administer any kind of remedywhether herbal, prescription or off the shelf at a local drugstore.*


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