I Need Your Help

By October 29, 2012 Uncategorized No Comments

This month I expanded on my plan to open the conversation at the OM Cafe to more voices. This will continue to be part of the way I do things at Organic Mama Cafe in the future. Most of you who are regulars around here know that I love to learn new things and that I’m passionate about living life to the fullest – which means being involved in my community. This means I write a lot about how to build relationships in “real life” by shopping local and going to local events.

But, I also want this space to be a community. It’s a safe space to learn something new, laugh, cry or have respectful, meaningful discussions with people who may not share our opinions. Life is full of nuance and learning to be comfortable with that tension helps us to see the world in a fresh way, to grow as people and build healthy relationships that can lead to positive change in our culture.

To create the online community I envision, I am –

Seeking Wisdom…

I am passionate about seeking answers to “life’s persistent questions”.

Only, I don’t want to be the only voice speaking into this space.

So, I’ll find the people qualified to speak to the topics that interest me – and you – whether they are serious, fun or somewhere in the middle.

Living intentionally…

I’ve never been one to follow the crowd. I live my life thoughtfully and intentionally and I know many of you do also.

This is a place to find resources to live that thoughtful life and ways to get involved in your community.

I want to offer practical ways for us to get back out into “real life”, refreshed and hopeful, ready to build relationships and make a difference for the better in our world.

Creating Community

So many of us long to connect with others in a meaningful way. Despite an abundance of technology, we often feel disconnected from others and alone in our journey. No one else could possibly be feeling like we are.

That’s WHY I started this blog. I’m not your typical mommy blogger and I never will be. I’m not Martha Stewart and I’m not the Pioneer Woman. They’re awesome but I’m looking to offer you something different.

Envision this as a safe space where you can chill, grab a drink, talk about REAL life, learn something new and know you’re not alone.

Birth Week was my first venture into inviting participation on the blog and you responded by sharing your own experiences and encouraging each other in the comments.

This month’s emphasis on Domestic Violence continued the theme with even more writers and experts contributing. It was not an easy topic but so many of you shared in the conversation by breaking the silence and sharing the posts and even your own stories. I was humbled and inspired by your response!

So, I’m just getting started.

I have a million interests I’d like to tackle – and I will. 🙂

But, if this is going to be a space where other voices are heard, it should be a space that talks about the things YOU care about discussing.

So – I need your help.

What do YOU want to talk about in the OM Cafe?

This is it. My chance to write and LIVE my story.

And it’s a chance for you to write yours.

Join me. The floor is open to your input.

Share in the comments or email me (if you prefer to be anonymous).

And – subscribe. That way, you don’t miss anything. I promise to respect your privacy and only send you updates when you really need them.




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