Category Archives: Natural Health

How to Induce Labor Naturally or GET THIS BABY OUT!!!!

By | Natural Health, Pregnancy | 7 Comments

This is actually me with FOUR MONTHS left. You heard me. Imagine what I looked like on D Day! Or, don’t.

What really works to stimulate labor naturally? I never had to ask this question before my last baby. All my other kids were born early.

But with my last pregnancy, my estimated due date came and went,

and went,

and went.

Two weeks passed and we were close to having to schedule a medical induction because there are rules regarding how far past an estimated due date a midwife can attend a home birth in AZ. My midwife encouraged me to get this baby moving!

We were so far past the date that herbal methods like black and blue cohosh didn’t seem to be an appropriate choice and I only wanted to try those with a qualified herbalist’s advice.

Instead, I resorted to what all desperate mamas do in this situation. I googled “natural induction”. You can imagine the results. I got responses that ranged from the typical “baby comes when ready” to “eat pizza, pineapple and hot sauce”, preferably together. Ugh.

To be honest, I tried nearly everything except Castor Oil. (Well, ok, and the pineapple pizza with hot sauce.) The idea behind castor oil is that it cleans out a woman’s bowels, which are wrapped around her uterus. The movement is supposed to stimulate the uterus to contract. It worked for all the friends I’ve talked to who’ve tried it. But, I was grossed out by the thought and was afraid of being “sick” in labor. However, if what we used hadn’t worked, I would have tried it before resorting to a medical option.

The options below are from my own experience and I don’t recommend trying to induce labor earlier than a birth attendant suggests (midwife or OB). Babies really do have their own schedule and sometimes they need to go full term even if we feel ready. Always do your own homework and consult with your caregiver before trying any kind of induction methods, ‘kay? Just common sense here, people.

Here are the suggestions I used:

1. FOCUS on the task at hand. Having a baby requires focus and concentration.

2.  SEND the kids to Grandma’s (or your sister’s or your best friend…you get the point) if you have any. This goes with number one. Focus on the task. To do that – you might need your other peeps to give you a break. They can always come back when labor is progressing if you want them to attend the birth.

3. TALK to your baby. I’m not kidding. Find a quiet place. Tell  your baby you love him or her and are ready to meet them. Say it lovingly. Say it firmly. Say it with confidence and believe it. Say it out loud. You are the parent. Don’t be surprised when it works. Talking my kids into coming has sent me into labor all 3 times.

4. MOVE. As in walk. A LOT. I went Several MILES the day I went into labor. You can imagine how amazing that looked. I was Gi-gantic!

5. CONNECT with your partner. You made this beautiful life together. Be sure you’re ready to welcome it together as well. Seriously. If your partner has paternal leave, vacation time or sick time, ask him to stay home with you. When we hit the end of two weeks, Rob took off work to help me refocus and get things moving.

6. RELAX. Let your partner pamper you. Rob gave me a great massage that helped me relax and concentrate on the task at hand.

7. *****HAVE SEX.******  Boom, chicka, boom, boom, boom… Envision it. Yeah, that’s right. Pregnant women are sexy.

Seriously. I know, I know – some of you are thinking, “Really? I’m SO not in the mood” but – this works. Sperm is excellent for ripening the cervix. I could try to explain the science behind it but you can google it.
BUT – Don’t just have sex and get up to go to the bathroom like you usually would.

Have sex, then put your butt on a pillow and take a nap. Let that sperm hang out in there.

Your husband is cheering as you read this tip. Give the poor guy a break. Think of it as a last hurrah, something for him to hold on to in the sleepless, sexless nights to come while you’re recovering from birth. . 😉

**A friend recently asked if having a vasectomy will lesson the effectiveness of this step. The answer is – YES! A vasectomy blocks sperm from escaping. That’s how it prevents pregnancy. So, while you might get some contractions from the exercise and orgasms, there won’t be any sperm to soften the cervix. Do it anyway. It’s a great stress reliever!

8. PRAY and ask your friends to do the same. I sent out a request for prayer the day we stayed home to implement our “Get Giant baby out!” campaign and hundreds of my friends did just that. If you don’t believe in prayer, you can obviously skip it. But for me, knowing that friends who love me were thinking of me and were with me in spirit in that moment was a huge, huge encouragement.

9. – Think OPEN thoughts and take care of yourself. Imagine your pelvic floor as a wide open space to let that baby out.

10. *Castor oil. This should only be used after a chat with your OB or midwife. All the Mamas I know who used it drank the full 4 oz dose to get things moving. Eew. It’s kind of a last resort because  once you’ve done it, you can’t drink it again for several weeks.

11. Have Sex again. Seriously. Well, maybe BEFORE the castor oil. I don’t think I’d do it after. This IS THE SECRET TO GETTING THINGS MOVING! As many midwives say, “What put that baby in will get it out!” Just be sure you do it right. See step #7.

p.s. At 42 1/2 weeks, I delivered my 11lb 8oz baby naturally, at home with my midwife. Yeah, baby. I’m a rockstar now. Haha!

Seriously though, I wish I’d started going through this list a little sooner. Yeesh.

Think about your baby. Smile. Breathe deeply. TALK to that kid. YOU are the mama and you DO have influence over this experience.

I know we all have a plan for how we hope, expect, dream our baby will arrive. But in the end, if things don’t go as planned, be open to whatever is best for your family. Don’t linger on feeling guilty or disappointed if it doesn’t go exactly as you hoped. Just hold that sweet, squishy little baby and enjoy every minute.

*As always, I’ll remind you that I am not a doctor.  These are common sense choices I have made for myself. I have taken the time to research any health decisions I make and have consulted with my local herbalist and midwife. I encourage you to always do the same before choosing to take or administer any kind of remedywhether herbal, prescription or off the shelf at a local drugstore.**

Organic Mama Wisdom: Postpartum Care Tips

By | Natural Health, Pregnancy | One Comment

My dear friend is having a baby in a few months. As we celebrated her and her entrance to motherhood this weekend, I thought of a few practical tips I wish I’d known or accepted the first two times I had babies. This last time, as I’ve gotten back into the swing of baby-mothering, I feel so much more equipped and at peace with my role as my baby’s primary caretaker.

This postpartum healing experience is so different from my previous births, largely due a shift in my own attitude, approach to what really “needs” to get done and my willingness to let Rob pick up the slack. This time, I only took care of the bare minimums around the house and focused my energy on healing, nourishing my baby & loving his daddy and siblings.

As far as practical tips go, here are my suggestions.



You just ran a marathon

Climbed Mount Everest

and swam the English Channel

All that energy you feel

Is adrenaline

It wears off


Bask in the moment of your triumph

Let your body recover

It will take several months

To feel even close

To your old self


You are normal


In the meantime

Allow your friends and family

To celebrate you

And your new small one


Nurse right after labor

And every chance you get

See a lactation consultant

Birthing centers and hospitals have them

If you have trouble with your baby gaining weight after birth

See one again

It’s much easier to fix nursing problems at the beginning while supply is not yet established than it will be later


Rub coconut oil on your nipples after every nursing session

It is better than lanolin & won’t stain your clothes

Use it on your baby (it prevents cradle cap)

and all over you


Pretend you’re relaxing on a beach

Where there are no dirty dishes



Go to bed early, you’ll be up a lot in the night

Take naps, especially if your partner is home

Rest every chance you get


Eat watermelon

And you won’t fear your first post partum bowel movement

It’s better than stool softeners

Use your peri bottle

It will help you heal and cool things off down there


Don’t try to do housework your first week back

Let your love help you

In fact, let him be your servant

It’s part of his daddy job

Thank him often and kiss him lots


Eat nourishing food

Cooked veggies

Or Salads




Plenty of healthy fats

This is not the time to try to lose weight

You have a baby to feed

And a body to restore


Ask friends for help

Let loved ones bring you food

And pamper you


Start every day in the sunshine


Drink herbal tea

With friends

And relax

It will help you avoid

Postpartum depression


There’s plenty of time

To show off

Your new

Super-mom powers




Congratulations, Mama.


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Read more: Motherhood. Am I Going to Survive This?

Read more: Making the Hard Parenting Choices. I Promise I’m Not Judging You.

Finally, “Real” Women

By | Natural Health, Spirit | 4 Comments

Pictures posting

Comments flying

Women saying

“Finally, REAL women”





Skinny women aren’t Real???

Once again

We pass judgment

On ourselves

And our sisters


We define “Real” by the shallow

And not the substantive

We feel guilty




We wait to feel beautiful

To love

To live

Until we are “perfect”

By someone else’s standards


But perfect never comes

Our chance passes


~It’s heartbreaking~

Women never living fully

Because they believe a lie

They’re not “Real” till a marketing ad

Has defined

Or undefined them.


~It’s our own fault~

Measuring ourselves

Our friends

Our children

Complete strangers

By only what we see


~When will we acknowledge our strength?~

Embrace this fragile treasure


And stop caring

About how marketing gurus

Think they’ll best convince us to consume


When will we get angry

That a campaign highlighting “real” women

Still requires them be photographed in their underwear

Still objectified solely by sex


When will we decide

To stop defining ourselves by our appendages

By bone structure


and skin

and a scale

as  though we are just another piece of meat


It seems a little ridiculous

When you think about it


It’s just flesh


In truth so much more

Than a dwelling for our spirit

A phenomenal part of us


To enjoy life’s sensual pleasures

Taste, feel, sight, smell, sound


We are so hampered by sight

We miss the rest


When we will embrace the fullness of what we are as women?

For our daughters

Our fellow-woman

Our lovers



We are more than the sum of our appendages.

We are























Life altering,

World changers.


~Each – perfect, unique works of art~

When will we look past

Physique alone


And recognize the deep beauty

The real-ness of each woman we see


Especially the one

We greet each morning

In the mirror


I am ready

Are you?

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Read More: Lessons from the Fat Girl




Cradle Cap: Naturally Prevent or Eliminate It

By | Natural Health, Parenting, Recipes | 39 Comments

Cradle Cap is one of those things that can sneak up on us mamas, especially when we’re newbies. We’re so busy figuring out the whole nursing, sleep deprivation, diaper changing and how-to-decipher-baby’s-cry that we might not even notice till there’s a strange little crust on baby’s sweet head. Gross, right? Well, it’s not surprising they get it considering how many hands are touching and rubbing them and how many lips are kissing them constantly. Fortunately, cradle cap can be resolved naturally and easily if you know what to do.

First a little info. According to one of my favorite baby doctor authors, Dr. William Sears, cradle cap is seborrheic dermatitis. It can result from oil buildup, hormones and even fungal activity. Not what you want on your little baby, right? He suggests using a dandruff shampoo to deal with it. But if you’re like me, you might not want to use something so harsh on your little treasure. We have a much gentler, less toxic way of handling it at my house!

Ready??? Here it is.

Coconut oil. Yep. This stuff is magic.

While it’s true that you can use other oils like olive oil to follow this process, coconut oil is special. First, it’s a fairly dry oil, meaning it won’t leave a greasy residue behind when you put it on your little one. Don’t want to mess up all those darling clothes you’re dressing him or her in, right? Second, coconut has anti-fungal properties. So if your little sweetheart’s cradle cap has progressed into a little fungal problem, it will help resolve the issue more quickly.

Here’s what we use:

  • Coconut oil – Trader Joe’s organic oil is cheap and lasts a long time!
  • Mild shampoo – We use TJ’s Tea Tree oil shampoo for our whole fam. Tea tree oil is also anti-fungal and smells fresh!
  • Baby comb
  • Baby brush

*This really isn’t a commercial for Trader Joe’s. But, we like these products because while they’re not perfect, they’re fairly healthy for a reasonable price and mild enough for a baby. We don’t like to use harsh chemicals (sodium laurel sulfate, parabens and DEA’s etc) like those you’ll find in most “gentle” baby shampoos.

Here’s what we do:

***I choose a time when my baby is relaxed and happy – like right after a feeding. I connect with my little person during this process, looking straight into his eyes and smiling. Then I use a gentle, quiet voice to tell him what I’m doing. It is a calming and enjoyable time for us both.***

1. I pour a little coconut oil in my hand and gently apply to the baby’s head, massaging into skin without dripping it all over him. The idea is to connect with him so he can relax. If cradle cap has spread down onto the face, I apply the oil there as well, being careful to avoid the eyes. I pay special attention to eyebrows, behind ears and around the nose.

2. After I let the oil soak in for a few minutes I use a soft baby brush to gently massage my baby’s scalp, loosening the cradle cap as much as I can without distressing the baby. If it were severe, I would use a comb instead to gently scrape the crust off the baby’s head.

3. Next, I hop into the shower with my little person to remove the dead skin and oil. I gently apply shampoo onto the head and massage again with the baby brush. Not only is this relaxing for my baby but it will remove more of the cradle cap if I didn’t get it all the first time.

4. I carefully rinse my baby’s head, using a washcloth to wash his eyebrows, around his nose and ears and to keep soap from getting in his eyes.

5. After my baby is happily bundled and diapered (don’t want to have to shower again!), I give him a big smile and ask if he’d like a little massage. Then I apply a bit more coconut oil on that little head and rub it in gently. I actually use it all over my baby and he chuckles and smiles the whole time.

If a baby has severe cradle cap, it may take a  few passes to get all the crunchy stuff off his or her head. If it’s severe, no need to traumatize a baby to get it all off at once. Some consistent work – a few days in a row should get it all. Once it’s off, continuing to bath a baby regularly and apply the coconut oil works great to prevent cradle cap from re-occuring.

I used this method with my earlier babies and had great success. However, it’s possible to avoid cradle cap completely (as I did with my last!) by using coconut oil and bathing baby regularly to prevent it from building up in the first place. Coconut oil has been the perfect massage and moisturizing oil for our babies.

Just one more way to naturally prevent or treat a normal baby issue from the Organic Mama Cafe.

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