Category Archives: Parenting

Cradle Cap: Naturally Prevent or Eliminate It

By | Natural Health, Parenting, Recipes | 39 Comments

Cradle Cap is one of those things that can sneak up on us mamas, especially when we’re newbies. We’re so busy figuring out the whole nursing, sleep deprivation, diaper changing and how-to-decipher-baby’s-cry that we might not even notice till there’s a strange little crust on baby’s sweet head. Gross, right? Well, it’s not surprising they get it considering how many hands are touching and rubbing them and how many lips are kissing them constantly. Fortunately, cradle cap can be resolved naturally and easily if you know what to do.

First a little info. According to one of my favorite baby doctor authors, Dr. William Sears, cradle cap is seborrheic dermatitis. It can result from oil buildup, hormones and even fungal activity. Not what you want on your little baby, right? He suggests using a dandruff shampoo to deal with it. But if you’re like me, you might not want to use something so harsh on your little treasure. We have a much gentler, less toxic way of handling it at my house!

Ready??? Here it is.

Coconut oil. Yep. This stuff is magic.

While it’s true that you can use other oils like olive oil to follow this process, coconut oil is special. First, it’s a fairly dry oil, meaning it won’t leave a greasy residue behind when you put it on your little one. Don’t want to mess up all those darling clothes you’re dressing him or her in, right? Second, coconut has anti-fungal properties. So if your little sweetheart’s cradle cap has progressed into a little fungal problem, it will help resolve the issue more quickly.

Here’s what we use:

  • Coconut oil – Trader Joe’s organic oil is cheap and lasts a long time!
  • Mild shampoo – We use TJ’s Tea Tree oil shampoo for our whole fam. Tea tree oil is also anti-fungal and smells fresh!
  • Baby comb
  • Baby brush

*This really isn’t a commercial for Trader Joe’s. But, we like these products because while they’re not perfect, they’re fairly healthy for a reasonable price and mild enough for a baby. We don’t like to use harsh chemicals (sodium laurel sulfate, parabens and DEA’s etc) like those you’ll find in most “gentle” baby shampoos.

Here’s what we do:

***I choose a time when my baby is relaxed and happy – like right after a feeding. I connect with my little person during this process, looking straight into his eyes and smiling. Then I use a gentle, quiet voice to tell him what I’m doing. It is a calming and enjoyable time for us both.***

1. I pour a little coconut oil in my hand and gently apply to the baby’s head, massaging into skin without dripping it all over him. The idea is to connect with him so he can relax. If cradle cap has spread down onto the face, I apply the oil there as well, being careful to avoid the eyes. I pay special attention to eyebrows, behind ears and around the nose.

2. After I let the oil soak in for a few minutes I use a soft baby brush to gently massage my baby’s scalp, loosening the cradle cap as much as I can without distressing the baby. If it were severe, I would use a comb instead to gently scrape the crust off the baby’s head.

3. Next, I hop into the shower with my little person to remove the dead skin and oil. I gently apply shampoo onto the head and massage again with the baby brush. Not only is this relaxing for my baby but it will remove more of the cradle cap if I didn’t get it all the first time.

4. I carefully rinse my baby’s head, using a washcloth to wash his eyebrows, around his nose and ears and to keep soap from getting in his eyes.

5. After my baby is happily bundled and diapered (don’t want to have to shower again!), I give him a big smile and ask if he’d like a little massage. Then I apply a bit more coconut oil on that little head and rub it in gently. I actually use it all over my baby and he chuckles and smiles the whole time.

If a baby has severe cradle cap, it may take a  few passes to get all the crunchy stuff off his or her head. If it’s severe, no need to traumatize a baby to get it all off at once. Some consistent work – a few days in a row should get it all. Once it’s off, continuing to bath a baby regularly and apply the coconut oil works great to prevent cradle cap from re-occuring.

I used this method with my earlier babies and had great success. However, it’s possible to avoid cradle cap completely (as I did with my last!) by using coconut oil and bathing baby regularly to prevent it from building up in the first place. Coconut oil has been the perfect massage and moisturizing oil for our babies.

Just one more way to naturally prevent or treat a normal baby issue from the Organic Mama Cafe.

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Looking for a boost in milk production? Try my awesome Flourless Lactation Cookies! They’re great even if you’re not nursing.

Linked up to Frugally Sustainable today!

Drink Your Vitamins: Herbal Infusions for Mom

By | Breastfeeding, Natural Health | 2 Comments

Whether you’re a nursing mom like me or just a busy woman trying to get your list done for the day, it’s likely you don’t get as much sleep as you’d like and start your days feeling like you need a boost. After all, the nice adrenaline rush we get after one late night starts to fade after weeks of interrupted sleep common to parents. Usually the resulting exhaustion finds us groping for a strong cup o’ joe in the morning…and in the afternoon. Now, I’m not anti-coffee but I want to suggest something that will provide energy without creating adrenal fatigue – nourishing herbal infusions.

Herbal infusions are simply large amounts of herbs steeped a long time to get the most nutrients from them. They supply nutrients that gently strengthen and rejuvenate our bodies.  They are also inherently safe since they utilize the whole herb and not just a focused portion of the plant (like a pharmaceutical).

The ratio for making an infusion is…

1 oz dried herb + 1 quart boiling water

If you don’t have a scale, 1 oz of a leafy herb is about 1 c by volume. Heavier items like rose hips would require less than 1 c. to make 1 oz.

When starting to use herbal infusions, it’s wise to use one herb at a time and rotate them throughout the week. It’s easier to determine how you respond to an individual herb before mixing a bunch together. Great counsel for a new herbal user.

However, for today’s post, I have already used all the herbs in my current nourishing infusion and need something to drink daily that will boost my milk supply and my energy level. Not only do these herbs pack a nutritional punch that energizes me for the day, the nettle, red clover, alfalfa and marshmallow all help nursing mamas to make more milk. Red raspberry may help milk production as well but some research seems to indicate that due to its astringent nature, it can actually decrease milk supplies in some mamas if used long term. So, I included it some days and leave it out at times.

Place in a gallon jar:

1 c nettle

3/4 c. red clover blossoms

1/2 c. red raspberry leaf

1/4 c. alfalfa

1/8 c. marshmallow root (milk production)

1/8 c. rose petals

2 T. dried lavender

2 T. rose hips

1 pinch stevia herb (not the powdered junk)

Pour boiling water over the herbs to the top of the jar and cover with a lid. Steep from 4-10 hours (overnight is perfect).

Strain, refrigerate and drink within 36 hours.

*Some people like to add a pinch of peppermint to their infusions. However, peppermint CAN reduce milk in some nursing mamas so use as needed.

When I need large quantities of dried herbs, I purchase them from Mountain Rose Herbs. They have a great reputation for quality and their prices are good, especially in quantity. If you can’t afford all of the herbs, start with one (nettle is a good choice) and build your supply slowly. I would spend my money on herbs over vitamins any day.

Since I’ve started drinking infusions rather than coffee, I actually prefer their refreshing flavor to caffeinated drinks. I drink my infusions iced and unsweetened (stevia is enough!).

Give it a try!

What nourishing foods/drinks do you use to get you through days when you wish you’d had more sleep?

*As always, I’ll remind you that I am not a doctor.  These are common sense remedies I use for my family, especially because they support the immune system rather than simply masking the symptoms of illness. I have taken the time to research any herbal recipes carefully myself and have consulted with my local herbalist and doctor. I encourage you to always do the same before choosing to take or administer any kind of remedywhether herbal, prescription or off the shelf at a local drugstore.**


Mastitis: Natural Remedies for a Quick Recovery

By | Breastfeeding, Natural Health | 9 Comments

This weekend, a nursing mom’s pain sidelined my plans in the form of the dreaded mastitis. While I’ve had plugged ducts a few times in my not-so-stellar nursing career with my other kids (a story for another time), I’ve never felt anything like mastitis in my life! I learned a quick lesson on how to recognize a clogged duct and to deal with mastitis naturally with herbs and rest.

Toward the end of last week, I noticed my right breast felt kind of a numb soreness (numb on the surface and sore beneath), but it felt better when relieved by pumping or nursing. I also felt like I was starting to get a little more done during the day so despite my post on learning to let it go, I burned the candle at both ends several nights in a row. In the meantime, my nursing baby started to sleep a little longer during the night so I went longer periods (maybe 5-6 hours) without nursing or pumping. Here’s what I learned…


Exhaustion + extended periods without nursing = clogged ducts


Unfortunately, I was too tired to process that information clearly because I was on an adrenaline high during the day. So, I just kept pumping and nursing during the day and burning that midnight oil – literally. Then I learned something else – and this time I had to listen!

Clogged ducts + exhaustion = mastitis

When I woke Sunday, I felt pretty bad but I thought if I got up and got moving I might feel better. WRONG! Within a few hours, I felt light headed and like I might pass out. I was down for the count! Back to bed I went. When I was awake I was miserable and definitely shed some tears over the offending breast. Mastitis is no joke!

Want to know what mastitis feels like? Start by running in front of a MAC truck (for the all-over aches), hopping into a fire pit (fever), jumping into an ice bath (mad chills) and then smashing your breast with a hammer a few times. Does it feel hot and swollen yet? Ok, smash it a few more times. Yep. That’s about right.

I went looking for old wives’ tales online about natural remedies. The thing about old wives’ tales is that there is usually some truth to them. I wanted to avoid antibiotics if at all possible. The mom forums seemed to agree on a protocol.

1. Rest! There it is again. You’d think I’d learn right? Susan Weed, one of my herbalist heroines says that mastitis is almost always the sign of an over-busy nest. I went straight to bed and I did not get up for about 24 hours. This is essential to a quick recovery from mastitis.

2. Nurse or pump every 2 hours just to empty the breast. Massage the breast while nursing or pumping to help break up the clogs and keep the milk flowing. Waiting longer will result in a longer infection. Using a hot compress prior to nursing or pumping is helpful.

3. Echinacea infusions or tinctures. I used a tincture since I always keep it in my house. 2 drops per pound of body weight up to 6x/day while the fever stuck. Now, I’m down to 3x/day for the rest of the week. (The redness and swelling are almost gone). A friend who had mastitis multiple times over the course of a few months used it instead of antibiotics and she finally kicked it!

4. Vitamin C 3-5000 milligrams daily – I drank EmergenC a few times each day.

5. 4-6 fresh garlic cloves a day. No, garlic pills are NOT the same as fresh. Fresh garlic contains powerful medicine to knock out infection. Here’s a tip. Don’t smash or chop the garlic. Slice it. It’s less “bitey” this way. I popped some bread in the broiler, took it out and topped it with butter and 3 cloves of fresh garlic. DEEE-licious!

6. Do a castor oil pack. Some swear by hot compresses. I did those but this was even better. Thanks for the advice, Sarah! The pain decreased right away and it really helped clear the clogged ducts. Pump or nurse first. Then wet a piece of flannel or cotton cloth with warm water, slog some castor oil on it and place on the affected breast. Cover with plastic wrap, a heating pad or hot water bottle and a towel. Lie down and relax for an hour. Afterward, carefully wash the breast with a little baking soda and water or a mild soap to get the castor oil off before baby nurses again. It can cause diarrhea otherwise. This helped so much with the pain.

7. Nurse on the affected side while lying on the opposite breast. Lie on the side that doesn’t hurt and carefully lean over to let your baby nurse on the side that hurts. Gravity helps the milk to flow. Just don’t squish the little guy/gal. Some mamas nurse on all fours but I didn’t find that too comfy and my kid didn’t like it.

8. Frozen Cabbage leaves. USE WITH CAUTION! If mama has supply issues, cabbage leaves are not a good choice. They can dry up a supply. However, mamas with oversupply may benefit from freezing some clean, green cabbage leaves and sliding them into their bra. I’ve heard it feels good and relieves the pain.

9. Grip the Nip. Wise advice from a friend. “Grasp your nipple between your thumb and middle finger. Pull your nipple out and roll it firmly back and forth between your fingers. This helps to break up any curdled milk that may dislodge from a clogged milk duct.” It really worked. Thanks Becca!!

10. Other good advice. Nurse, Hand express or pump in a hot shower. Drink lots of water. And wear looser clothing on your breasts so the milk can FLOW free, just until you’re past the worst of it. Take a look at your clothing and make sure you haven’t been wearing anything too constricting that might be causing those blocked ducts!

As with any natural remedy, the secret to it working is to start using it as soon as you feel bad, not waiting until you’re 3 or 4 days into mastitis. I’m happy to report that using these natural methods, I kicked mastitis within a few days and I didn’t have to knock out my whole immune system with antibiotics.

I’m a big believer in nourishing the body so it can fight its own battles. However, I want to be clear that I would have sought antibiotics if I hadn’t seen an improvement within 24-36 hours. Thankfully, my fever subsided within 24 hours. The red, swollen and sore feeling in my breast is almost gone 3 days later. I usually find that herbal methods work faster and more effectively for these kinds of problems than antibiotics anyway.

The mamas in my circle inform me that it’s really easy to get mastitis again once I’ve had it so I’ll be putting out that candle at night and taking a nap when I need it. I do not want to get this again!

So, I’ve learned to avoid mastitis I need –

Rest + frequent nursing = clear and hopefully mastitis-free milk ducts

Know a friend who can’t seem to kick mastitis? Please share!


*As always, I’ll remind you that I am not a doctor.  These are common sense remedies I use for my family, especially because they support the immune system rather than simply masking the symptoms of illness. I have taken the time to research any herbal recipes carefully myself and have consulted with my local herbalist and doctor. I encourage you to always do the same before choosing to take or administer any kind of remedywhether herbal, prescription or off the shelf at a local drugstore.**




Easing Back into Life After Birthing a Giant (11lb, 8oz) Baby!

By | Birth Choices, Honest Mothering | 6 Comments

It’s been a while since I wrote here at OM Cafe – for good reason. A while back, we FINALLY welcomed our long expected small one into our family. He was a teensy bit late in coming – at 42.5 weeks! Consequently, he was a tad larger than my previous babies who were not so dainty themselves at 9lbs 7oz and 8lbs 4oz. After significant effort, he finally emerged from his warm, cozy mama cocoon at a whopping 11lbs 8 oz!!! He came out the natural way at home with our midwife. But it’s taken me a little longer to recover from this delivery.

So, how does a girl recover from pushing out close to 12 lbs of baby?


The phrase that I am clinging to like a mantra is one all new or new *again* mamas should learn.

Are you ready?

These are brilliant words of wisdom!

Here they are –


“Let it GO…”


Wonder how good I am at this? Ask any of my close friends how good I am about being at peace with…

  • toy grenade explosions all over the floor
  • un-washed dishes
  • an unmade bed
  • a disorganized fridge (at least not organized how I normally do it!)
  • and my pet peeve…un-scrubbed tile (it’s swept but not sanitized)

I’ll give you a hint…

I SUCK at it!!! (Don’t laugh, L!)

The thing is, if I let myself focus on all those urgent, but ultimately unimportant, things right now I’ll miss out on what I and my family need most, like…

  • rest
  • peace
  • a little exercise
  • most important – getting along with my amazing husband & bonding with my baby (nursing or holding him when he needs me) and my older kids (i.e. not freaking out about stupid stuff and letting them know THEY are more important than whether the house is perfect.)

But, I’m getting better at

  • accepting help (meals, cleaning assistance from my mother-in-law)
  • learning to be kind when things aren’t done my way (I know, should have learned this a long time ago)
  • being grateful for the sweet husband who goes beyond all normal limits to keep things running around here when I’m with the baby
  • enjoying the voices of my sweet little children who are responsible for the daily toy explosion
  • knowing my limits (limited outings, a low key schedule and not cleaning like a fiend or trying to cook elaborate meals while holding a baby)

Thankfully, I have wise people in my life to remind me about it when they drop by to offer a meal and I start to apologize for the mess. Like our friend Jason who popped in last night and said, “There are plenty of other things to stress about without worrying about that stuff.”

See what I mean? Wise. 😉

As a friend used to say, “This too shall pass.” She meant the difficulties of small children – toys explosions, sibling rivalry, last minute diaper bombs that make us late and laundry that never ends. But, along with those things, those little moments of joy also pass – the soft, squishy baby cheeks, the accomplishments of each child that assure us of their miniature brilliance, sweet, small voices squealing in delight, the sound of their small feet thundering across their bedroom as they throw themselves fully into their game.

I don’t want to miss it. So, for now, I’m going to take the slow path to re-entering my normal activities so I can enjoy every happy moment, along with the frustrating ones. There is no race to the finish, no goal to accomplish at the end here. These precious moments are my life. It’s the life I dreamed of and it’s the life I’m going to enjoy – right now.

What are you learning to let go of?

Blessings ~


For more on life after babies, check out this link. First Time Mamas: Surviving Your New Role